Girl Talk Tickets—girl Talk is the Natural Culmination of Technology and Music


Girl Talk tickets are now available and can be bought or sold online at

Plenty of fevered dystopian theses have posited that modern technology—the Internet, television, films, and music combined—will shorten our attention spans and create a generation filled with data but lacking intelligence.

This isn’t really an original idea. It’s a fear that’s been around since at least when comic books became a cultural bogeyman. And although that certainly rings true when one looks at the way the 24/7 news cycle serves more to distract us from yesterday’s news than shine light on today’s, it more than likely won’t be the catastrophe predicted. It just means future generations will absorb mass media differently.

With the advent of Internet culture, it was only a matter of time before a band like Girl Talk tickets—obsessed with hoarding and splicing together pop ephemera—would come around. Today’s music fans aren’t just listening to the singles on the radio (if they listen to the radio anymore) and the hottest new band on Pitchfork, they’re looking up one-hit-wonders from previous decades, looking at their favorite bands’ influences’ influences, and exploring the discographies of artists in genres they didn’t know existed. In that sea of music, Girl Talk’s Gregg Gillis snatches a beat here, a bass riff there, cutting ‘80s synth-rock singles into ‘90s gangsta rap, and generally blending everything together. He does so in a way that every sonic puzzle piece is distinct and identifiable because part of the fun with his music is picking out those pieces, enjoying the nostalgia and marveling and what they sound like juxtaposed with very different music.

A lot of the samples he uses are guilty pleasures, often mixed with universally liked songs or music from artists with an indie pedigree. The result is prodding the self-righteously hip to acknowledge that yes, Kelly Clarkson is pretty distasteful, but isn’t the beat for that song pretty catchy?

The electric ocean of the Information Age is a junkyard heap and a banquet rolled into one, and fortunately Gillis is knowledgeable enough to pick out the best morsels for us. Of course, nothing quite compares to getting Girl Talk tickets and seeing him do that live.

About the Author:

Written by Andrew Good and sponsored by StubHub sells sports tickets, concert tickets, theater tickets and more to just about any event in the world. Don’t miss Girl Talk tickets.

Article Source: - Girl Talk Tickets—girl Talk is the Natural Culmination of Technology and Music

Music, Tickets, Concert, Pop, Girl Talk